EVENT 1. New members earn one gift coin on us.
You are invited to KWAVE GO Sign Up event for a new member.

Signing up

You are eligible to participate the event to get one gift coin.
Go to Google play or Apple store to download the KWAVE GO application.

Register for one free coin

After signing up, you can participate in the event following the link of the page or you can register with your ID and PASSWORD here with the link below.

EVENT 2. Limited Time: Earn 2 gift coins on us.
For every friend you successfly refer, you’ll now earn two gift coins.

Two total gift coins.
You will receive 2 total gift coins for every referral once your friend successfully signs up and links their bank account. Your friend will also get one gift coin, too!

Certain limitations apply.
Read terms and conditions.

Pay it forward
Help your friends start their KWAVE GO journey with a referral. Just make sure

their account gets approved and they link their bank account in order to

be eligible!

Unlimited invites
You can invite as many friends as you want,

and can receive up to $500 in gift coin each year.